Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Unlucky Dice

I signed up Loihi for 10 man ICC last night. Unfortunately, the two new warlocks signed up as well. Three warlocks wouldn't have been so bad...if we didn't also have three boomkin. I volunteered to sit Loihi out and bring Adelaide, even though I thought there was nothing I needed from ten man. I could always use the badges and rep, and it turned out to be exactly enough rep to finally get me exalted with the Ashen Verdict.

Muradin's Spyglass dropped. I was like, "YESSS!" cause I have crap trinkets. But then of course there were still two locks and two laserchickens (one ended up going tree). I rolled a 1. Seriously. Only one of the other locks ended up rolling on it - the fail lock I was talking about last week. Of course he won because anything beats a 1. I don't care. If you're there contributing, then you deserve loot just as much as everyone else who's there contributing. It just sucks because he doesn't even run 25 mans, so why does he even need it? Oh well. Maybe it will drop again some day. I did end up getting a helm for enhancement. So here's how that set is currently looking:

Head: [Taldron's Short-Sighted Helm] (251)
Neck: Empty
Shoulders: [Dual-Bladed Pauldrons] (264)
Cloak: [Shawl of Nerubian Silk] (251)
Chest: [T9] [Nobundo's Chestguard of Conquest] (232)
Wrists: [Icecrown Rampart Bracers] (251)
Hands: [Anub'ar Stalker's Gloves] (264)
Waist: [Belt of Rotted Fingernails] (232)
Legs: Empty
Feet: [Scale Boots of the Outlander] (200)
Ring 1: [Dexterous Brightstone Ring] (245)
Ring 2: Empty
Trinket 1: [Coren's Chromium Coaster] (200)
Trinket 2: Empty
Main hand: [Abomination Knuckles] (251)
Off hand: [Gutbuster] (251)
Totem: Empty

In other news, we did 25 man progression on Monday night. My dps wasn't as terrible as usual, but it was still pretty bad. We got Sindragosa down to 22%. Unfortunately, we'd had some technical difficulties in the beginning and ended up running Ony to kill time. I think if we'd been able to spend the time on Sindy, we'd have gotten her for sure. Next week, we will. I'm confident of that.

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