Saturday, June 26, 2010

patch fail

So the patch broke my WoW on my desktop. I would click "Play" on the launcher, and nothing would happen. So finally I went into the folder and clicked the actual WoW exe, and it would say something about the application failing due to configuration problems or some crap like that. It said I needed to reinstall. I ran the repair utility and reinstalled the patch but to no avail. I haven't gotten around to reinstalling the game because our internet sucks for downloading, and I just had to reinstall last week after I reformatted my computer. So I've taken this week off from raiding cause I really can't do it on my laptop. And after my fails on Monday, I just really wasn't up for it. Monday is Lich King, and I'm not sure I should go to that either. We'll see. I just don't want to be the reason for any more failed attempts at anything.

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