Thursday, January 29, 2015

Throwback Thursday

So my post the other day got me feeling a little nostalgic, and I thought I'd share some other old screenshots with you.

There was that time we convinced a noob level 17 to come into Shadow Labs with us...

And that time Vare and Loihi stood on the steps of the Cathedral...

The time we attempted to raid Crossroads...

And had guild meetings under Stormwind...

There was the time my cat tried to eat all of the candy...

And the day Loihi got her dreadsteed...

And the time we visited the happy face under Kara...

Sadly, I've lost most of the screenshots I've taken over the years. I never remember to back them up, and I've gone through quite a few new computers/operating system changes/reformats. But these are some of my favorites that I did manage to backup.

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