Monday, January 26, 2015

Level 100 Hordies!

We did it!!

As you can see, I hit level 100 picking up a piece of treasure. Josh was burned out on questing, so I suggested we go on a treasure hunt instead. From 98 through 100, all we did was pick up treasures. No quests. Just treasures (and rares, but they hardly give any xp). I was both surprised and not surprised that we were able to do it. And I think we only got maybe half the treasures in Nagrand. 22200xp per treasure...pretty sweet. It was different and fun, too. Using all of the gliders to try to get to the ones in otherwise-impossible-to-reach places. I'm not necessarily saying I would do it again, but it was a fun way to finish out the grind.

What a nice family portrait! haha. I didn't have time to turn the names off. Zelu never sits still long enough for that. I had to snap the pic the moment I saw the opportunity!

But I did turn them off after that in case the opportunity presented itself again. And it did. Sort of. We went to visit Khadgar to get our rings, and Zelu was standing there looking all badass. Funny story, Amayaa started out with that blue/purple hair. But it made them look like brother and sister. We couldn't have that. She went platinum when the barber shop came out and never looked back.

Oh, you want to see? Here she is looking scandalous at level 29.
The date on this picture is 3/19/2008!

Oh, and here's one of the twins.


  1. Grats on level 100! Treasure hunting for the last couple of levels is definitely a good way to combat burnout with the quests. I may have to try that when I get another one closer to leveling.

    1. Thanks!! It was definitely a good way to combat quest burnout. Aside from Amayaa, I have two other 100s, a 98, and a 94. Honestly, that's not even a lot for me (considering I've got at least 6 others sitting at 90) but I typically don't level so many this early in an expansion. If you don't already have it, I highly recommend the Handy Notes addon, especially in Nagrand. It's awesome everywhere, but in Nagrand it tells you which gliders to use for which treasures, which was SUPER helpful for me.
