Monday, December 1, 2014

So many choices...

Being level 100 is overwhelming. In the last few expansions, you would hit level cap, and you knew exactly what you were supposed to do - jump into heroics and get geared.

This time around, it isn't that simple. So I did the reasonable thing - I quit and started leveling another character.

Just kidding.

No, but really. I've been playing Adelaide on and off and I made it to halfway through 98 rested. I completely skipped Gorgrond and I was able to skip half of Spires. It was glorious. Once I got to that home stretch, I stopped caring about rest and just pushed right through to 100. Adelaide is in a guild with people that I have known on WoW for many years now. Todd, Kyle, Stevie, Ryan, Anthony, and...probably other people. Ryan was the first 100 on The Scryers and he is determined to do this thing hard core. They're jumping into High Maul tomorrow. They want Josh and me to come, but our item level is sitting right around 600. Besides that, they plan to start at 9:30. Assuming they start on time, we'd be able to stay for about an hour. They really want us (and by us I mean Josh) to be on their A team, but it's not going to work out. I have no problem being backup, but I've already made a commitment with Loihi. And that commitment is to people who actually raid at a time that is reasonable for me.

As soon as I hit 100 with Adelaide, I jumped in the proving grounds and did bronze healing. It was cake. I went out of mana because I was panicky and spam healing when I didn't need to be, but it was still super easy. Then I did bronze dps. Also super easy. It was kind of upsetting because bronze dps took Loihi several tries. Last night, I did silver healing. It took me a few tries. I have to remind myself that it's a marathon, not a sprint. I have to slow down and breathe. I don't have to heal every time someone takes the tiniest bit of damage. Once I got that under control, I did it with ease. Silver dps took me a couple of tries, but I got it done.

It made me feel kind of crappy about Loihi because I feel like I must have tried 100 times before I finally got it down with 610 item level. Then I learned that the proving grounds scale to your item level. This doesn't make sense to me because I tried it with Loihi SO MANY times when she had a lower item level, and I didn't come close. Then when my item level got higher, I was able to do it. But I'm not even close to gold. So am I just that awful? Do warlocks just suck right now? (Because seriously, it was so much easier with Adelaide, who is an elemental shaman.)

So I've got my garrison to a place where I'm comfortable with it. I've completed all the quests in all the zones. I'm working on my professions as quickly as they'll allow me. (I've made a cloak for myself and I'm halfway to making one for Popkorn.) Now I'm finally ready to jump into heroics. It's time for Loihi and Popkorn to get geared so they'll be ready when the time comes.

I am thoroughly enjoying this expansion so far. I can't wait till Josh is ready to play his blood elf. I'm excited to try out the horde!

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