Friday, December 5, 2014

Broken System is Broken

I get an awful lot of page views over here, but zero comments, so I have no idea if anyone is actually reading this, or if it's just bots.

But tell me if you know anything about this.

Way back in the Wrath of the Lich King days...I can't remember how it all went down. They implemented the Looking for Group system, and I don't think it was right away, but they implemented a penalty system for kicking too many people. It's been quite awhile now, but if memory serves, in the beginning you had to wait 15 minutes before you could attempt to kick someone. Each person was allowed to initiate one kick per dungeon. You couldn't kick in combat or shortly after combat.

Then they implemented this penalty system. Ever since then, both Josh and I have had a 4 hour timer on our ability to kick people. There is no dungeon in the game that takes 4 hours, so there is no way we can ever kick people. The best part is that sometimes it will say 2 minutes, and then when the 2 minutes is up, it switches to 4 hours.

I have opened tickets a number of times, and every time I get a completely different answer. My second to last ticket got a response saying that it is a known issue and they're working on it. This was a couple of months ago, and after a particularly frustrating dungeon experience earlier this week, I decided to open another ticket. This has been going on for more than FOUR YEARS now. That's right, folks, neither Josh nor I have been able to initiate a kick in a dungeon for four years. I think if it's a known issue, four years is a pretty reasonable amount of time to get it fixed. And if you can't fix it, turn the system off. It isn't fair that I pay to play this game just like everyone else, but one aspect of it is broken for me that isn't broken for most people.

The most recent response that I got was this:
This is Game Master Phaelonum and I have your issue about the vote to kick! Thank you for taking time out of your day to hit me up about this, so that I could look into it for you :D

So, about the vote to kick, not sure if one of the things mentioned is that it is account wide, so any of your characters participating in the vote to kick, in any way, be it targetted, initiated, or even if you just click to vote someone, will reset the cooldown. Yes, even if you are the target of that kick, or the one who is voted to be kicked, even if it doesn't go through :(

I am so glad that I could look into this for you, Nicole! Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you come across any other ways we could assist. Take care and may all of your adventures be EPIC! o(^_^)o(#) A cookie for you!

Okay, GM Phaelonum. Thank you for not even attempting to address the issue and telling me something that I very clearly already knew and talked about in my lengthy explanation of the problem. Here's the thing. It has been four years. Okay, I may have been the target of a few kicks in that time. I'll never know about the ones that didn't go through. (And if they don't go through, doesn't that typically mean someone is just kicking you to be a jerk and it isn't deserved? Why should that count against you?!) And every few months, I will attempt to initiate a kick in hopes that it has been fixed. But even before this happened, I really don't think I kicked people more than the average WoW player. Can you honestly tell me that four years isn't enough of a punishment? Even if I have been kicked and have attempted to initiate a kick a few times during that time, there's no way it has happened enough times that I haven't served my time in four years.

How do I know it's been four years, you ask? Because back when it started, when I opened the first ticket, I started tracking my dungeons. I made absolutely certain never to initiate a kick or to vote yes if someone else initiated it. I tracked over 150 dungeon runs, and I was guilty of a kick about 1% of the time. And the only times I did kick was when people were offline and my vote was required.

Meanwhile...Josh and I were in a group last night. The healer was just standing around and we wiped, so Josh said something like, "Are you afk or what?" They initiated a kick against him with the reason "gay." You cannot tell me that someone who is willing to kick someone that quickly has not kicked hundreds and hundreds of people...and penalty for them? And why in the hell should that count against Josh?! He did absolutely nothing wrong; someone initiated a kick because they wanted to be an ass, and Josh gets penalized for that? Bullshit.

It makes no sense. I responded to GM Phaelonum and demanded to see my stats in comparison to the average WoW player because they're going to have to do some serious work to convince me this system isn't broken. I doubt they will give me the stats, but I will open a new ticket every day for the rest of my life if I have to. It's not fair, and I'm tired of it.

I'm not one to complain about problems in the game. When everything was messed up on launch day, I sat back and relaxed. The game would be there later. When maintenance gets extended by several hours, I don't let it bother me. I don't write angry posts on their Facebook wall telling them it's their fault they're getting DDOSed. Almost every ticket I have ever opened has been about this one problem. And it's really starting to make me angry.


  1. Wow, that is really horrible. It is hard to believe they haven't dealt with it for you over a period of years, especially if it's a known issue. I'm not a fan of kicking myself, I almost never initiate and rarely vote yes unless I saw something myself to know it's deserved, that said... I can't even imagine playing in dungeons without the ability to do it because sometimes it's absolutely necessary so that the group can continue. :( I really hope that something happens that spurs them to finally fix this for you.

    1. Yeah, I mean, for as long as this is going on, even if someone does deserve the kick, I've been voting no. The only time I will vote yes is if someone is offline or afk, someone initiates it, and it fails. Then if they initiate it again, I will vote yes so that it will go through. But even before, I was not a kick happy person. If we had a tank that didn't have a tank/spec gear, yeah, I'd kick them. If there was a dps that was intentionally pulling mobs and wiping us, I would kick them. But those things didn't happen often. And like I said, ever since I opened the first ticket and they told me I had obviously kicked too many people, I stopped voting yes no matter what the situation.

      But what provoked me to open a ticket again was I had just gotten my item level high enough and completed the silver proving grounds to be able to run heroics. I was in my very first heroic. The tank was in full heroic/crafted gear. I was playing my warlock, and we were doing a boss fight where you have to move around a lot. The tank was out dpsing me because a.) he had way better gear and b.) he was standing still, fighting the boss, while I - a caster - was constantly having to move and being unable to cast my spells. He started yelling at me and calling me terrible names because he was out-DPSing me and refused to go on with the dungeon unless I left. So I attempted to initiate a kick, but of course I couldn't. And then he was able to kick me while we were in combat, which I thought was never allowed. It's extremely frustrating.
