Wednesday, October 6, 2010

tinydancer the hugewhore

So Whimsy hit 80 a little while ago. I got her in tier 9 and ICC heroic gear pretty quickly. There's not much else I can do for her except to get her into ICC, and since my guild is only doing heroic 10 man now, there's no chance of that.

But tonight, we did a guild VOA 25. It's always better to do things with the guild than to pug, right? WRONG. Josh and I both brought our warriors...the only warriors in the raid. The leader forgot to set it to master looter. Well, two pieces of warrior gear dropped. Everyone passed (including us) because that's what we always do in guild when they make that mistake (which doesn't happen often.) So as Josh and I are discussing which piece we each want, we see, that Tinydancer has decided to hit the disenchant button. EVERYONE in the raid passed, and she effing DE'ed it! I am seething right now. Two pieces of gear that could have been used, and that stupid whore disenchanted them both. She was one of the last people to roll. She saw that everyone passed. It was obviously very much intentional. God I hate her so much. I hated her before I was in the guild with her, but my hatred multiplied exponentially tonight. And she tells us, "Oh just open a ticket." Um no, you retard, YOU have to open the ticket. If we open a ticket, they're going to tell us, "Sorry, you're probably lying, and she actually doesn't want to give it to you." I know this from experience.

On another note. I got a beta invite, but I really only played once. I don't wanna play too much because I don't wanna spoil it. I don't know. Josh has been playing it a lot. Part of me wants to, and part of me doesn't.

I also got a new graphics card today. It doesn't help immensely, but it definitely helps. (I have a four year old Dell that was in the upper-mid range when I got it, so the card I had was....not great, at least not compared to what you would get if you bought a computer for the same price now.) Thunderclap looks so pretty. I can't stop casting it. Haha.

Oh well. I think I'm gonna go to bed since I'm not raiding tonight. Last week was the first time in a long time that I raided with the guild. I signed up for LK25 tonight, but then tinywhore decided to ruin my night, and since our GM didn't even acknowledge that it was a problem, I'm not gonna help him out by going to the raid. He never addresses problems like that because...I don't know...he's afraid of hurting people's feelings? He clearly doesn't believe in the philosophy of losing one person for the good of the guild. He won't reprimand anyone for fear of driving them out, even if it means he loses five other guild members because of that person. Stupid stupid stupid.

Oh! I also forgot to mention....I got hacked last week. It was pretty weird. But it all got resolved so fast that it didn't even cause any kind of problems for me. In fact, it worked out only to my advantage because they gave me double my gold and frost emblems back on three of my toons. Of course they didn't give them to Whimsy, the only one who needs them,'s whatev.

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