Thursday, August 12, 2010

faked link death...whoops?

The calendar invitation I got to the MS raid said the raid started at 8:30. I logged on at 8:00. Very shortly after, I started panicking and remembered that I'm incapable of raiding (with a guild; pugs don't count) when there's no one in the raid that I know. It sounds stupid, I know, but I was getting super nervous and freaking out. By 8:45, I still had not received an invitation to the raid, so I assumed they had deemed me not good enough and found someone else. All the while, Stevie and Kyle were trying to get me to come to their 10 man. I would much much rather do that, but I knew I couldn't bail on the MS RS run or I'd be out. Finally at 9:15, I got a raid invite. I was disappointed, to say the least. I flew over to Dragonblight, and on my way there, I realized MS hasn't downed Halion yet. I completely forgot that KoT is one of only three guilds on The Scryers to have killed Halion 25. (And we've done it a few times now.) I wanted nothing to do with that wipefest (since I HATE HATE HATE RS anyway) so as soon as we pulled, I pulled the plug on my router (so that Vent would disconnect at the same time as the game.) I waited a few minutes and then logged onto my shaman.

Stevie asked me if I could bring my tank instead. That hadn't been what I was hoping for, and I'm not geared well enough to go past lower spire, but I agreed. We had two baddie pugs, but the rest of the group was people we know, and it went well.

We had the most epic Deathwhisper fight ever - I wish we'd frapsed it. Within about a minute of the mana shield being popped, our MT goes down. Both our battle rezes had been used, and both the druids were dead. I was solo tanking a two tank fight from then on out. I thought it was impossible, but apparently not. It was me, one healer, and two dps for at least 50% of the fight. It was absolutely incredible, and I still can't believe we did it. I mean, Deathwhisper is certainly no Heigan...

Anyway. Right before we headed upstairs, I got the warning that my account was expiring in 30 minutes. So we headed up there and did that, and then we killed Saurfang with 1 minute to spare on my account. I had just hit friendly, and I went downstairs to grab my ring before it was over, but it wouldn't let me! I was so mad. I could click on the dude to turn in the quest, but it wouldn't let me choose a reward. Oh well.

I'm definitely glad I chose that over wiping on RS/LK all night, even if that does mean I got kicked out of MS. (I'm too scared to check the armory. lol.)

Monday, August 9, 2010

back to school break

Loihi ended up getting into MS on a trial period. Unfortunately, it's all really bad timing. My account time ends tomorrow, we go back to work on Saturday, and we go back to school on the 23rd. It's not a good time for me to be joining a new guild because not only am I gonna be broke for awhile, but I'm going to have too much going on to be worrying about being online at raid times. Once I get settled into a routine, I should be fine to start playing again. But since I'm only a trial in MS, I seriously doubt they'll keep me through my little break. I'm signed up for a raid with them tomorrow, but I'm not even sure I'll get to go. Blizz decided to be awesome and not tell you when your account expires anymore. I love how they keep changing every other day...NOT!

I have to say, I'm not at all sad that I'm being forced into this break. I'm getting super bored with it, and I know that once I kill LK (which MS does regularly; KoT still has not on 25 man) I will be like, "k I beat the game cyabai!" I've never gotten to the very very end before. Forget Kil'Jaeden (It was KJ in Sunwell, right? So many Kils and Kels; I can't keep them straight.) No one on my server even killed Illidan till after the nerf. I, to this day, have not laid eyes on Illidan. I have, however, laid eyes on The Lich King, and that's honestly close enough for me.

*shrugs* Hello, Cataclysm?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

aggro whore

Last night, I had signed up for KoT's 10 man with Loihi. I go to it every week if I can, and I really enjoy it. I hadn't signed up for anything else this week because the rest of the week is 25 mans, and I can't bring Loihi to them.

So I log on and join the raid group. I'm in Krasus landing, summoning my drake to fly to ICC, when I get a whisper from someone in MS (the guild to which I applied), asking me to come to LK25. I said (aloud), "ohhhhh shit!" I had no idea what to do. I couldn't say yes because I was already in a KoT group, and I love KoT (just not their new policy) so I couldn't bail on them just minutes before the raid was going to start. But I couldn't say no because that was probably my one and only chance to prove to this guild that they should bring me into their guild. I thought about it for a few minutes and then told the guy from MS that I was very sorry, but I had just joined a ten man and wouldn't be able to join them for LK. My heart sank as I sent it, knowing that I had probably just given up the opportunity to be in that guild. But everyone in our 10 man quickly raised my spirits, and I had fun like always. I posted a comment on my MS app, explaining the situation. I still have heard NOTHING from them. Someone who applied after me has already been accepted, but they haven't told me anything. It's really frustrating.

Anyway. We had a tank shortage last night, so one of our trees went bear. He never tanked ICC before and hadn't tanked much before at all. I do pretty awesome in my new demo spec, and, well...lets just say I was sitting at the top of the death meter by the end of the night. I pulled aggro so many times. I realized toward the end that my omen warnings had gotten turned off somehow. Our bear also realized this morning that he had messed up a macro, and he hadn't used mangle once the whole night. We still got 8 bosses down in three hours, despite all our mess-ups and losing a dps to lag.

We had a lot of trouble on Blood Queen, and we shouldn't have. Everyone has seen the fight on 25 man, if not 10, and people were just acting stupid. I was the second person to get bitten on our first attempt. My target and I met somewhere, and I bit her. I was dpsing; everything was going great. Then came the air phase. Just before I got out of the fear, it was time to bite again. I tried to run to my bite target, and he ran as well. But did he run towards me? Oh, no, of course not. He ran away from me. Everyone who was close enough to me had already been bitten, so I got MCed. On the second attempt, the same person who I had been supposed to bite, failed to bite someone else and got MCed at the beginning of the fight. He blamed it on lag, but I don't know if I believe that. That was our last attempt cause it was time to end it.

I did get a wand out of it. I had the 245 wand, so it wasn't a huge upgrade, gearscore-wise or stat-wise. But it did raise my gearscore ever so slightly. I think I'm done with 10man now. I'm not sure. The only things I have below 251 are a trinket and a ring.