Wednesday, June 30, 2010

wow-related stress hits our gm hard

We found out last night that our fearless guild leader went into the hospital yesterday with chest pains. There is no doubt in my mind that his issue was caused by WoW, whatever it is. We've all been telling him that he needs to rest, but he just...can't. As soon as he gets home from work, he works on the guild forum and then raids. He raids five nights a week (Monday-Friday) just about every week. After the raid (we end at 10:30pm his time) he always stays up for another couple of hours working on recruitment, whether it be conducting interviews, reviewing applications, or posting on some forum somewhere, letting people know what we're looking for. If it's not recruitment, it's strats. If it's not strats, it's reprimanding people for their crappy dps. He hasn't been getting nearly enough sleep, and he lets all of this guild crap weigh on him too heavily. He needs help, but no one wants to give it. I kept telling Josh, "This isn't good. It's going to catch up to him." And I think it finally did.

In other news, we sort of led our 10 man ICC for funsies last night. Cal ended up doing most of the leading cause Josh and I fail... It's just...weird. I don't know. When we had Diabolical, we led the raids. We weren't afraid to say anything, to yell, to do whatever it took to get things done. But in KoT, it just feels weird to tell people what to do. I'm glad Cal stepped up and took the reigns because things went a lot more smoothly that way. I actually had a lot of fun when I really hadn't wanted to go at all. AND I got Muradin's Spyglass!! Muahahaha. Unfortunately, I got it on my alt (Loihi), but....meh. Whatev. I'm happy to have it at all. And that got her the epic achievement.

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