Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ICC10 for Funsies and New People

So I took Loihi to ICC10 last night because I am absolutely sick of playing Adelaide. Loihi can pull enough dps to do 10 man just fine. She's in full t9, but I'm using blue-quality gems. I'm glyphed completely incorrectly because I wasn't thinking when I bought the glyphs (way back when I hit 80) and I haven't bothered to change them because I don't play her. We had a new warlock in the raid with us. Despite the fact that he had no ICC experience, he was much better geared than I, and yet, I was out-dpsing him for much of the raid. This makes me sad. Since it has been years since I seriously played Loihi, I haven't researched rotations (or glyphs) or anything like that. I was playing her the way I always have (since BC). And I was able to out-dps someone who should be much better than me...and with very little effort.

We downed lower spire easily. I think Festergut and Rotface each took us two tries. But the Princes gave us a hell of a time. I think we just had too many people in the raid who had never seen the fight before, and it's a complicated fight to understand when you haven't seen it before. I don't even remember how many attempts we gave it, but it doesn't matter.

I got a pretty sweet belt, which means I only have one ilvl 200 left! Yay! Rofl. The only downfall was that I lost a lot of hit, so now I'm back to having to gem for it, which I hate. Josh brought in Angrypriest, and I was going to give him the belt, but by the time I was going to do it, the two hour time limit had passed.

So now I just have to replace that 200 trinket, and I'll finally get my epic achievement. Then I need to work on replacing my four 219s.

I really hate what they've done with item levels. That's all anyone cares about anymore because higher item level = higher gearscore. I liked it better in BC when your gear didn't even tell you its item level, and people had to decide for themselves which stats were better. Although you should still do that, hardly anyone does. They see, "Oh, this is 251 and that's 245, so the 251 is definitely better," when that's not necessarily the case. Oh well. Hopefully Cataclysm will be better.

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