I've been playing very, very casually lately. Between work and school, I just don't have the time to commit to anything. I signed up for one raid, and I ended up getting called in to work. I thought I'd be home in time, but then Josh got called in to work, which meant I had to stay there till nearly midnight waiting for him to get done. I couldn't even unsignup for it because I had no access to the computer. So I haven't signed up for any more since then. Next week I'm only working 20 hours, so maybe I'll jump into a raid or two. Maybe.
I have been leveling my warrior. She's almost 79, and she only has four bars of rested xp left. I think I leveled all the way from 72-78 rested because of the way I was playing, so that was pretty awesome. I don't know if I should just quest until I run out, or if I should let her rest to build some more before I continue to 80. I think I'm just gonna head straight for 80.
I did both Operation: Gnomeragon and Zalazane's Fall. I have to say, I definitely like the horde version better. The one thing that bothered me was that it seemed like everything was a lot more spread out than it was at Gnomer. At Gnomer, you were basically standing in the same spot for the whole thing, whereas, in Sen'Jin, you were running all over the place. But Zalazane's Fall was a lot more fun for me. Maybe it's just because I'm a Horde trapped in an Ally body (or four), and I like everything Horde better. hahaha. Speaking of that, I got a horde insignia tattoo a few days ago.

I love it.
I'll probably go back to horde for Cataclysm. And as soon as they allow it, I'll most likely make Whimsy a blood elf. Maybe.